Gaav has his way with Lina
A Lemon fanfic by
It finally happened, that leap from
writing yuri for this series to writing straight. And what better
person to make that leap with than Gaav. Let’s see, this fanfic is
adult in nature, please turn back if you are under 18 years of age.
And since it is Gaav x Lina you know there has got to be some
discomfort, if not outright pain in that sex scene so if that freaks
you out turn back as well. Other than that, this fanfic contains
spoilers for the anime, notably by me specifically giving this
fanfic a point in the anime, and in the next sentence where I set
the scene. This fanfic takes place between episode 45 (Disclosure at
Last? Xelloss’ True Form!) and the next episode 46 (No Other Choice!
Set Course for Dragon Valley!). Therefore that gives Lina an
introduction to Gaav and sets it in that small gap where she is
aware that both him and Phibrizzo are both plotting something
involving her before Gaav’s ultimate demise. It begins later that
night after episode 45. I do not own Slayers and make no profit off
my Fanfiction, this is being written strictly for me, a fan, and for
other fans of this great series to read. Now that the disclaimer is
out of the way, on with the fanfic, enjoy!
********************Authentic Snowflake
Taking a step outside the Inn, Lina was surprised at how quickly the
temperature had dropped. Only a few hours earlier it had been quite
hot, almost unpleasant, but now, even with just the dimmest of
lights shining at her back she could see wisps of her breath
twisting through the air. A deep breath brought the chill of the
atmosphere deep inside her, causing a few of her teeth to ache
slightly. Still trying to calm herself mentally she set her face in
a mask, going forward into the darkness with long strides. It wasn’t
long at all before she felt it, actually she’d been feeling it all
night, the unambiguous feeling of eyes. There was a certain
sensation to it, and she had been feeling that anxious feeling for
some time. But it was more now, undisguised pinpricks of heat
trailing over her body. Whatever, whoever was watching her no longer
seemed inclined to mask their voyeurism.
She took another deep breath to
steady herself, “I don’t care who you are,” She started out evenly,
directing her voice in no specific direction, “…if you’re Gaav or
one of his cronies.” Lina gestured widely, pointing straight out in
front of her, her voice picking up confidence, but since she didn’t
want to awaken her sleeping traveling companions in the Inn behind
her she managed to remain relatively mute. “But I get the feeling
that I’m being left out of the loop on what’s going on around here,
and maybe if someone tried talking to me instead of trying to
kill me, something positive might get accomplished.” Bringing her
hands to her hips she nodded her head strongly.
Inside though she was worried. A
midnight meeting with Gaav was currently at the top of Lina’s list
of dumb things to do before she died. Still, desperate times call
for desperate measures. Hellmaster was leading her one way, and Gaav
was trying to kill her for it, and Xelloss, that fruitcake had his
own agenda, she was betting her life on it. Providing Gaav would
talk to her instead of just killing her, she was hopeful they might
come to a compromise so she wouldn’t be forced to try and fight off
two of Shabranigdo’s generals simultaneously.
The penetrating chill brought by the
night air was slow to act, but Lina could feel it sinking into her
bare arms and face. She resisted the temptation to hug herself
tighter but still couldn’t help but wish that she had the
forethought to put on something warm. Her confident image though was
of the utmost importance so she ignored the temperatures and
remained composed, confident, waiting. Her shoulders relaxed
unconsciously as she felt the presence that had been watching her
disappear. Hopefully off to fetch Gaav and not Phibrizo. She was
fairly confident that it was the former though. As she understood it
Phibrizo currently only had Xelloss in his service, and with him out
of commission, it was likely that it was one of Gaav’s lackeys that
had been trailing her.
It was difficult but for a fleeting
moment she managed to distract herself from her current situation.
Mulling over Gaav’s chain of command and trying to imagine some low
level Mazoku complaining about how much they hated their job of
keeping tabs on her. Thinking of such things helped to keep her mind
of what she was actually doing. And who she was demanding to talk
to. It was impossible to distract herself for long and as such her
mind came back to Gaav. His humanity may have been seen as a curse
by the rest of the Mazoku hierarchy and it was that change that Lina
hoped to exploit. She could see that the touch of mortality made him
more vicious, more willing to take risks, and less likely to
monologue. He was arrogant she admitted to herself, but not to a
fault, he treated her like a threat, his level of attack at the
Shrine of the Clair Bible shrine showed that…
Again she forced herself to think of
other things, pushing her mind to the mundane lest she dwell on the
situation. Thinking about dinner, Amelia‘s eating habits, Martina
struggling to explain her version of events at the shrine to Gourry
only to be met with his own brand of stupidity. Abruptly she felt a
wash of power nearly overcome her but she held upright. Lina pressed
to the ground with her toes, centering herself and keeping her
posture despite every natural impulse fighting to force her into
convulsions. “Gaav… the Demon Dragon King…” She started even before
his form had begun to materialize.
“Lina Inverse…” The darkness took
shape, wind whipping around from some invisible vortex as the whole
atmosphere around her changed. In spite of the darkness, the light
from the doorway was enough to make out his shape. And suddenly she
was very glad for the temperature because she could feel sweat
pumping to the surface of her skin. She looked up, he stood several
heads taller than her and his cape completely blotted out her field
of vision, not to mention that he had materialized into her comfort
Abandoning her initial tactic to
remain unruffled she leapt back, her distance finally allowing her
to take in his entire form. His mere presence reinforced that
initial electricity in the air. There was a change in the feeling
though. It was less intense now. Less, malicious. The feeling was
still enough to force her muscles to tighten. Her body crying out
for the command, fight or flight. Lina knew how to work through that
sort of turmoil though, high stakes situations were her specialty
after all. She fought through the feeling of dread and managed to
come off, at least for the most part, composed. She tried to start
out with some comedy to alleviate a bit of the tension.
“Wow, you must have had someone
pretty high up watching me to get here this fast, I mean, I didn’t
even get my order at dinner that fast tonight.” She snickered to
herself and managed to earn a little scoff from Gaav. Then she
continued, “But let’s get right to the point,” She started before
loosing her momentum, “… you want me dead because I’m a part of
Hellmasters’ plan, problem is I don’t know what that plan is and
neither do you, am I right?”
“That’s it exactly.” That succinct
little statement put Lina on edge all the more, “But I fail to see
how you restating what we already know is going to help you avoid a
death you seem quite eager to reach.”
Lina managed to hold her façade
together despite Gaav’s quick attitude, “I was getting to that,
look, we both want to stop Hellmasters plan, so just ignore the fact
that I’m a part of it for a minute, will ya?” Gaav’s expression
changed, softer.
“Go on..” He drew the words out,
showing that he might be willing to listen, but it wasn’t a
guarantee of anything else.
“If we both team up together against
Hellmaster he won’t have a chance. I hate being a pawn in anyone’s
game and you seem to be a sensible person, Mazoku thing, so what do
you say?”
Gaav gave a short lived burst of
laughter in reply, “You’re more daring than I gave you credit for…
But I would never join forces with a human, even considering your
skill as a sorceress, working directly with a human willingly is so
far beneath me that it ought not even be considered.” He gave
another decisive laugh, his face hardening, “So now that I’ve
entertained whatever you had going on in that feeble human mind of
yours, how are you going to convince me not to just kill you
outright in your last minute alive?”
All color drained from Lina’s face.
He could do it, without even flinching, without giving her time to
cast a thing. She turned slightly, knowing that there was no hope of
getting help from her friends. All the lights inside save the one at
the door were out. The possibility of rousing any of her group to
have them come to her aid with the time she had remaining was
infinitesimal at best. Her eyes began to widen even more as she
realized what little time she had left was currently being wasted.
She looked up to Gaav, her face openly showing her emotions without
any adulteration.
“Well…” Gaav edged out. Pulling his
sword from its sheath he raised it up in one smooth movement, the
leading edge of the blade mere centimeters from Lina’s nose. He
continued its arc and brought it up to lay over his shoulder,
tapping it against himself.
Her fear left her as quickly as it
had came. Just as it always had in these types of situations. She
felt her confidence grow and her determination treble. Lina stepped
foreword, slamming down her leading foot and brining up her fist, “I
don’t want a part in this, any of this! I’m just doing what I can to
stay one step ahead of the game before you or Hellmaster decide it‘s
time for me to die. And you know what that’s like, more than any of
the other Mazoku. You know what it is to be human!”
Gaav sneered, “Human… yes, I remember
bits and pieces. And what I know most of all is that life still
isn’t fair. No matter what you can still be killed in a pointless
war or by some wandering vagabond.” He cinched his sword in his grip
and brought it foreword, pointing the edge at Lina’s heart and
taking a step toward her. She gulped but held her ground as he
rested the point of the blade directly on the fabric over her heart.
“Therefore your point is moot, you’ve yet to make a decent argument
tonight, and for that alone I might kill you, regardless of my
original intentions to kill you anyway.” The smile that he finished
with, illuminated ever so slightly from below, was nearly more than
Lina could handle. With each beat of her heart it felt as if the
sword point was driving into her chest deeper and deeper. Her brain
was scrambling, forcing her to go on instinct.
“For all you know Hellmaster might
already have a replacement in mind if you kill me, it won’t solve
anything!” She cried out hoping to sway his sword hand away from her
“I’ve already thought of that, but
since it is you, the famous Lina Inverse that he is after, I have no
doubt that your talents alone will do the job….” He pressed harder
with his sword and as he expected she didn’t yield an inch. The
enchanted blade edged methodically through the cloth over her chest,
the pressure deforming her breast slightly to each side as she felt
the breath catch in her throat.
“I don’t want to die, that’s why I
met with you tonight!” She cried out with more force than she
intended and was seized by a sudden hope that their conversation
might awaken some of her compatriots.
“Yet all you accomplished was to
bring yourself to deaths door that much more quickly.” He twisted
the blade slightly, causing it to bite into the flesh, a stain of
red coming up around it causing Lina to wince and loose half a step.
With no time left for bargaining she
decided to lay all of her cards out on the table. “You make the
shots Gaav, tell me were to go, what to do, whatever you think is
safe. I just want to get on with my life. Besides you never know,
you might need me later. Give yourself time to figure out
Hellmasters plan, I can help you.” She was drained, too much talking
too fast. It was leaving her light headed, but it looked like Gaav
was contemplating her logic.
Then shook his head dismissively.
“Promises, whether from a Mazoku or Human are no good… but…. If you
would truly like to live a short while longer I can grant you that.”
He grinned before continuing, “You did finally make a valid point
while you were scrambling for an excuse to stay alive.” He pulled
his sword away from Lina, to her the blade felt as if it were
covered in barbs, as it pulled out it ripped at her flesh, the small
wound causing more pain than she would have ever imagined, forcing
her to cry out. She immediately put on a slight quirky smile though
and looked up to Gaav, but his expression in the light was
“Thanks for your generosity.” She
chuckled out weakly as she stood fully upright again. There was just
the slightest bit of sarcasm there as she turned away but that smile
dropped just as quickly, relief flooding her mind while her blood
remained ice in her veins.
When she heard Gaav grasp his sword
tightly again though, the unmistakable sound of a swordsman going
into a battle stance, she thought she was going to have a heart
attack. “Nevertheless, the fact remains that you had the audacity to
demand my minion to summon me this night…”
She knew better than to keep her back
to him so she turned back slowly. Sure enough he had his sword
pointed right at her head, held at the maximum extension of his
right arm. “Ummm… sorry about that…does it make it any better that
you almost made me pee my pants just now?” Lina regretted the
reflexive reply but put her hand to the back of her head to show how
embarrassed she was over it, hoping to deflect the severity of the
Gaav re-sheathed his sword and
dropped his guard slightly, bringing his hands down to his sides and
becoming slightly less imposing as a result of it. “It really has
been a long time since I had to deal with any human to this degree,
centuries in fact. And you… the scent of fear… your reaction to the
blade and…” He trailed off, trying to put what he was thinking into
words. “You’ve managed to make me feel some things that I haven’t in
a very… very…” He trailed off and Lina hoped to L-sama that he was
done, but he wasn’t, “…very… long time…” And the way he smiled at
the end made Lina realize without a doubt that he wasn’t talking
about being constipated.
Lina tried to laugh it off but it
hardly came out as a gust of air. She took a breath and tried for
some clarification, “You don’t mean that you want to… with me?” She
squeaked out taking in his mammoth stature.
Yet again Lina managed to make Gaav
laugh unintentionally, “Oh, you act naive, but you know exactly what
I’m talking about.” Again that smile and again Lina felt her heart
race, just not in a good way.
“But.. I…” She tried, blushing and
simultaneously more afraid than when her life had been on the line,
“I’ve never…”
That piqued Gaavs’ interest, “And a
virgin? This promises to be fun.” His eyes widened and he removed
his hand fully from the pommel of the sword, taking a few steps
forward. Lina took a slight step backward but knew better, holding
her ground as she had before while Gaav reached out and set his hand
gently on her shoulder. Unintentionally she turned her head to look
at the point of contact. His large hand completely encompassed her
shoulder, each of his fingers as thick as her wrist, and she
realized he could completely encircle her throat, or tear her limb
from limb with his hands. She gulped audibly causing a smile to
become more pronounced to Gaav‘s face.
“Now, to begin with you can strip off
that silly outfit.” The snide remark didn’t even register with Lina.
Shivering she tried to pull herself together, to meet his demand
with words of her own, a witty retort, a plea, but she found she
couldn’t hold the breath in her lungs. She tried again and was
rewarded with a raspy gasp, her heart pounding even more loudly in
her chest. Gaav could see the conflict so he made the decision for
her. “You mentioned that the reason you called me out here was to
ensure your survival, and I can assure you that if you don‘t do this
you will be dead as quickly as I can draw my sword.”
Her hands went to the clasp around
her neck before she even had time to think about it, but she was
shaking, fumbling with the locking mechanism. Impulsively she gave
up and hurriedly unhooked her belt, snapping it off in one quick
motion. But Gaav’s eyes showed every bit of the lust he was feeling,
and none of the patience she was needing as she rushed to undress.
She managed to unhook each of the broaches around her hands in turn
and nervously bent over, putting them into a growing pile. She tried
to fumble with her pants, it not even dawning on her to get out of
her boots first. Instead she pulled the drawstring on her pants,
allowing them with a little persuading to drop down around her knees
then pushed them to her ankles. She managed to pull them off
partway, then had so struggle to get them over the cuff of her
boots. She felt his presence again pressing on her, making her move
forward, she was actively trying to fight it though to force herself
back to sanity before she let herself get any further.
She whipped off one of her gloves,
and with her hand now uncovered she felt a few stray tears fall
wetly onto its exposed surface. She hadn’t even realized she was
crying, sniffling she reached up and wiped her eyes, everything was
blurry for a moment, her vision was shot with her eyes so full of
tears. Her momentary pause though was rushed away as she felt more
than heard Gaav clear his throat, the reverberating tone rippling
through her body, reminding her of his namesake in all ways that
mattered to him.
Suddenly rushed she pulled her other
glove off, tossing it to the side. Gaav nodded his head approvingly,
a gesture that would have sickened Lina if she had been looking to
him. She continued her stripping, reaching up untying the sash
holding her shirt in place. She started unwinding the chest wrap,
the lack of compression leaving her chest feeling free but just as
with her gloves it was accompanied by a numbing cold. She let her
body stay on autopilot, undressing as slowly as she thought Gaav
would tolerate while she struggled to fight off her consuming fear.
Gaav for his part was enjoying the
show. That was until Lina started to develop a bit of backbone.
Fighting against the oppressive feeling Gaav generated she managed
to halt her roaming hands. Bringing an end to the strip tease.
Already she was hyperventilating, standing unsteadily in just her
boots, underwear, and shit, complete with mantle. Slowly she moved
her arms to her chest, steadying herself. Starting to feel defiant
in the face of death again before he cut into her with his words
again. “You’re not done yet…” It shocked her, it was more commanding
but it had a different edge, he’d been affected by the strip tease
more than she had expected him to be. Resisting the temptation of
pointing with his sword he instead brought his hand up and motioned
to her shirt and panties, “You still have to remove those before you
can serve me properly…”
“But…!” Lina tried with as much force
as she could. Using the control she had regained in an attempt to
sway him.
Calmly Gaav lowered his hand to the
sword hilt, grasping it tightly enough for Lina to hear. “If I so
much as hear one more objection out of you, I will give you a reply
with the swing of my blade…” With his other hand he reached forward
and cupped her face, pulling it so that her eyes would meet his
shining orbs, “Understood?”
Gaav had an overwhelming visage. His
face was massive, large bushy eyebrows, black by the weak moonlight
framed deep eyes, she felt a different power there, something else
that could force her onward. In response Lina managed a timid “Um..
Hum..” Biting her tongue to hold back a retort that had sprung to
her mind on reflex. Her instinct to live was very strong, forcing
her hands down to the thin bands around her hips and forcing her to
push her panties down around her ankles and to step out of them.
Looking down at herself she didn’t notice Gaavs movement until his
hand caught her wrist, pulling it away firmly but slowly. “Ughnn..”
She cried out lightly at the violation as he grabbed her other hand
and pulled it away as well, giving him access to her.
“Very nice…” He trailed off, sounding
more human than ever. He released his hold on her but she was
reluctant to cover her privates. The lingering feeling of his touch
on her wrists causing a strange tingle to spread to her hands, the
true fear of the situation being intensified by the action. “Now…”
He pointed intoning to her shirt. Ironically enough this was the
hardest part for her, her chest had always been a sore spot…. She
tried to block out what was happening but was failing worse than
before. So, again she froze. Fleetingly the thought crossed Lina’s
mind to run, but she knew she wouldn’t make it far. This wasn’t just
anyone, just one of Gaav’s attacks, physical, astral, magical,
anything from him would be enough to finish her off, and he could do
it without batting an eye.
The temperatures caused her nipples
to harden painfully and she could no longer resist hugging herself
for warmth. Seeing her reluctance to strip he did something
unexpected, he reached to his side for his sword and unclasped it,
sitting it down next to his feet. Next he reached forward almost
gently, putting his hand again on her shoulder, then faster than her
eyes could follow he yanked downward, tearing her shirt open along
the middle. The sudden contact of the air, the brutality of it. She
swooned and again her mind tried to provoke her to run. But with the
most wicked of smiles on his face she watched him pull open the
trench coat and lower his pants just enough to free himself.
And there it was.
He was already apparently quite ready
to go as his erection stood fully at attention, but the size. The
mug that she had drank from that evening could not contain it in
terms of girth, let alone length. Its scale dwarfing her petite
forearm by all levels of comparison.
“I.. don’t.. think it will fit…” She dared say despite his previous
threat. Again she managed to incite a laugh from the Mazoku lord.
“Don’t worry, unlike you this is not
my first conquest, it has fit in the past just as it will fit into
you tonight, though I must confess most women do not find their
first experience with me to be a pleasant one ….” He gave another
deep laugh, “…and you will likely be in need of a healers talents
when we are through.“ Giving his words a second to sink in and
watching her eyes widen he took a few steps back and sat down on a
rock wall bordering some gardens behind the inn. For him it was
uncomfortable, his knees bent with his hips lower than the peak of
his knees, but for anyone else it would have been relatively high,
with their feet dangling by comparison. He motioned for Lina to come
forward, and hesitantly she took a few steps, crossing the distance
in twice as many as Gaav had taken.
“I…” Lina started off flustered, his
girth sticking straight into the air, “Please…” She tried again,
afraid to finish her thought out of retaliation and trying her best
to convey her hope for an alternate resolution. Finally Gaav had
enough, he tossed his mane behind his back and bent forward,
reaching out and grabbing Lina. “Ehh!” She cried out feeling his
strong hands encircle her midsection. His fingers joined easily
behind her back and his thumbs remained touching at her stomach as
he lifted her partially clothed body up, holding her directly above
his member.
“This’ll make it easier on you, trust
me.” His arms were not shaking in the slightest, Lina’s weight was
hardly noticeable to him as he brought her slightly squirming body
to his face. The gentle smell of her sex wafted along the wind to
his nostrils and he took a moment to savor the smell. It had been
quite some time. Then he pulled her more closely to his face,
sticking out his tongue and dragging it gently over her opening. She
shuddered, but more from the invading contact than anything, the
cold multiplying the discomfort. Undaunted Gaav repeated his
efforts, this time taking care to make the contact more than
superficial, dragging his tongue over her sex and probing gently
with it. He was rewarded with a change in texture beneath the furry
mat and a hint of her juices.
Keeping up his attention he continued
to caress his tongue up and down her opening, occasionally using its
length to penetrate into her somewhat deeply. It was messy but he
wanted to be sure that she had sufficient lubrication to last the
whole session. His saliva combined with her meager juices were
running all down his face and finally he was rewarded with a slight
sucking sound from her privates, he pulled away “Finally…it‘s time…”
He sighed out, his face feeling slightly chapped from rubbing
against her bristly hair.
Ashamed Lina felt him break his
contact. Her fist time…. And with Gaav. Fearful and heady she tried
to look away, afraid of what was to come. She was however thankful
that the chill had dissipated, and she was finally starting to warm
up despite her lack of attire. She looked skyward, her breath still
leaving trails of mist behind it, illuminated by the full moonlight
now peaking out from behind the clouds. She felt herself being
lowered but tried not to think about it, keeping her head arched
back as much as her neck would let her, gazing to the stars. Letting
her hands hang limply at her sides, trying to block it out and just
go with it. Then, she turned her gaze downward abruptly.
Gaav had lowered her sex down on top
of his member. Her eyes widened and she tried to make a coherent
sound but it died in her throat as she felt herself start to be
impaled on his erection. The tip of the bulbous head went in fine,
deforming to fit into her opening. But as it went it become less
elastic, more rigid. There was a slight resistance, not from inside,
that was gone long ago, but from her opening, it was stretching. She
looked up, searching Gaavs face but his gaze was downward leaving
her to look at his flowing hair trailing over most of his body from
her aerial view. He was watching their shared connection. She felt
some of his strength holding her up fade and as a result she felt
herself slipping down.
Frantically she brought her arms to
his hands, holding them as if they would hold her up away from the
invading member. That brought his attention back to her, but that
fire, desire, it was more encompassing now, strangely the
authoritative feeling was gone but she knew better than to say
anything. She again directed her gaze downward letting out an
occasional mewling sound as she was penetrated. Only a small amount
of him was inside of her but it was stretching her unbelievably and
she had yet to reach the thickest parts of him.
“Brace yourself sorceress…” Again,
falling, she felt it pressing into her more and harder. He was just
steadying her now, all of her weight pressing on his member. She
held there for a moment, back arched, unmoving. Then she felt
herself sliding down his shaft ever so slowly. She made gasping
halting sounds as she slipped a little bit then a stop, then a
little more. There was a new wetness now too, she reached down
panicked and was surprised Gaav let her. Bringing her hand back to
her face the taste of iron let her know how badly she was bleeding.
She could feel herself tearing right where her body opened to him.
She could feel every increment of him pressing into her, her body
barely able to take his girth.
Finally after several minutes of
heavy breathing and her consciousness seemingly threatening to fail
she felt him hit some sort of block. Looking down she found she
barely had a third of him within her. “Looks like that’s it for now,
we’ll work on the rest as we go….” His hands tightened and just as
before panic gripped her. Slowly she felt herself being pulled
upward, an unnatural feeling pulling at her insides, every organ
within her being simultaneously pulled down as he pulled his member
out. Then all at once he forced himself back in, the pressure
exerted on her diaphragm forcing the air out of her lungs and nearly
causing her to heave, the movement causing her shoulder guards to
jingle loudly.
“Hold your breath, it will make it
more tolerable.” Gaav offered without even looking up as he repeated
the process. It was strange to say the least and Lina doubted very
much that sex was supposed to be anything like this. Her eyes
watered as he pounded back in and she felt her full stomach shift to
accommodate. She looked down, his shaft glistening with blood in the
light and he pulled out of her all over again. She felt her tummy
cave a little as her body managed to secure an exceptionally good
vacuum for the moment before popping back out. She tried to distract
herself and analyze it, how strange it was that the look of his cock
bulging out her stomach excited her on some visceral level before
she again felt the horrifying lurching of her insides as he violated
Lina’s eyes widened as she felt him
spin her around on his member, facing her away from him. Switching
and tightening his grip to simultaneously control her movement with
a hand under her thigh and the other holding her hands steadfast
behind her back. Lina felt his grip tighten and knew that things
were coming to a head, he had been moving faster and she had become
accustom to his size as much as humanly possible, but he was
starting to fight to get more of his length inside her. So with a
determined pull he dropped her onto his rod fully. Her eyes widened
as she felt something within her shift and screamed, the finality of
the vocalization punctuated by a croaking sound as he forced the air
from her lungs. “Almost…” She heard Gaav groan out as he lifted her
and drove her down yet again, this time harder than before.

There was a feeling of… it was hard
for her to explain, kind of like when he had first entered her, like
when her lips were first forced around his enormous head, except
this time deep inside her, and it hurt more. She bit her lip but
cried out anyway feeling him go deeper inside her than ever before,
nearly to the halfway point. This time when he pulled away she felt
that same part deep inside her pull with him, it wasn’t letting go.
Pain, she cried out again as he drove into her just as hard, and
again, and… she felt his grip tighten.
Hot, wet, she could feel it inside
her, all at once he came into her, grunting and bucking and suddenly
unable to control his strength she was grateful all at once when he
let go of her, grabbing the rocks of the wall he was sitting on with
giant force, crushing them to rubble while leaving Lina to sit fully
on his member unassisted. Still grunting she felt herself become
flush, as the heat was spreading out from where they were connected.
But her balance started to fail and she could feel that she might
fall, she dropped down her legs, putting them on Gaav’s own thighs
and tried to stand up. But there was no way she could fully extend
her legs, their connection was too secure. Crouched over she tried
to stand again.
Gaav for his part seemed to be
oblivious to her attempts to separate them from one another, making
groaning sounds while leaning back into a wall of shrubbery in the
garden. She managed to get her footing, firmly planted in the
squatting position she lifted with all the might her thigh muscles
would provide. Then suddenly she felt him pop out of her deeper
recesses’ and she could feel him sliding out. It was difficult even
assisted by her leg muscles to pull away from him, as if it were
never ending, tugging at her deepest parts. Finally though he popped
out. And a torrent of hot liquid ran down both of her legs, pooling
at her feet.
Lina grunted with exertion and
managed to take a few steps before hopping off Gaav. She was tempted
to sit on the wall for a moment before finally giving in an laying
down on it, her body throbbing almost pleasantly from the abuse, the
only thing that prevented her from falling into slumber from
exhaustion was the deep pain between her legs. With her legs
together she could feel the torn flesh, irritated and pained. But
with them apart there was the unpleasant sensation of wetness and
openness, she wasn’t sure if it was from her imagination, her mind
didn’t want to check, but she felt as open as she had been when Gaav
had been inside her. Only a few moments later though she heard Gaav
stand. Cracking an eye, she was too frayed and traumatized to fear
what might happen. Gaav instead shot her a snide smirk, “I must
admit there is something special about you. But even with the
payment I just took, you should feel lucky to be alive.” He pulled
up his pants and smoothed out his coat, “Until we meet again.”
With that his form shimmered out of
existence leaving her drained, cold, wet, and naked. Carefully she
tossed her feet over the edge of the rock wall and dropped down. The
drop off the wall jostling her insides causing a new torrent of
liquid to pour out of her. Unable to hold in the tears any longer
she started sobbing, her emotions building until she was crying
openly. Semen and blood ran down her legs to the ground and the
polluted mixture was soon joined by a few spattering tear drops. Her
tears mixed with her shame by the moonlight, finally it was too
much, “I should have been a waitress!“ She called out to the sky in
anguish before collapsing to her knees in the gathering pool of
RVincent’s Authors Notes:
This fanfic was based off a picture.
My girlfriend basically drew the picture and I had agreed that if
she drew anything I would write a fanfic about it, and well, it was
Lina x Gaav so…. I opted to tack it onto my ‘______ has His/Her way
with Lina’ series even though it doesn’t really have any of the
elements of those other stories (I.e., Gaav is a man, Lina is
conscious, etc.) But still I think it turned out better than I
expected though not my best work. Anyway, the original ending had
Lina kind of dismiss what had happened saying something like ‘Well,
that didn’t work out like I thought it would’ but again my
Girlfriend thought that Lina should be traumatized and crying and
such so that accounts for the current ending. Usually a fanfic might
take a few years to write but this one went quick thanks to
inspiration so it was only a work in progress for about 1 month. If
there is no picture within the fanfic it should be between the 6th
and 5th to last paragraphs and I’m sure if you go to my site the
version there will have the picture appropriately placed within the
fanfic. So, thanks for reading this far, if you want to e-mail me my
address is at the top of this fanfic. If you would like to read any
of my other works please visit
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